Not on contact with Vkontakte
So the inevitable has happened, as I expected and was quite obvious! Most of the music content on Vkontakte has become paid.
The main feature of VK for me was, of course, music, which was uploaded by the users and dumped in a huge pile. An archive where you could even find a no-name band rehearsing in the neighbor’s garage with their dad. Since VK introduced subscription to background music, I think everyone realized that soon all the music would become paid.
In the end, we got a service that plays to everyone’s disadvantage. It beats music services, social networks, video hosting, streaming platforms, and messengers. Why pay for an inconvenient player when there’s Google music, Yandex, and Spotify? To put it simply, Mailru’s greed really disappointed me.
Therefore – a new category: Music.
Meeting with the Zolotukhin brothers and the New Wave festival
Today I decided to take a walk and enjoy the autumn landscapes as usual. While walking down our pedestrian street, I suddenly saw the Zolotukhin brothers!
I just sat on the curb and was transfixed by their performance for an hour and a half. I couldn’t understand why these guys, who easily hit three octaves and play complex guitar parts without any pretension, are not appreciated much in our country. Why do thousands of people attend “New Wave” to watch some pompous guy from TV open his mouth to sing his mediocre song while showcasing his hairstyle, suit, and expensive glasses? How did it come to pass that artists who sing “I Fucked Your Chick” and “Lada Sedan – Eggplant” make a fortune and have a massive audience, while true musicians earn just pennies?
It’s not about the musicians; it’s about the audience. I don’t think it has to do with musical tastes either. If you advertise a piece of crap enough, people will flock to it like it’s the mausoleum. Popularity is certainly the decisive factor. Nowadays, popularity is equivalent to the amount of money invested in the artist.
However, there are indie musicians like Antokha MC, who went straight from the internet to performing in concert halls without too much investment. But this is an exception to the rule.
Overall, I can’t find an answer as to why music in Russia has become fast food. Bands, songs – they’re now seasonal. After a year, no one remembers them anymore. We don’t have new Talikovs, Shevchiks, Tsoys, Vysotskys… Or maybe we don’t need them?
Лед тронулся
Никогда раньше не занимался звукозаписью и сведением не выходя из дома.
Заказал конденсаторный микрофон Behringer C1, который полюбился мне еще при записи альбома в 2009. Сейчас майк поедет из Уссурийска через всю страну.
Карту возьму FOCUSRITE SCARLETT SOLO 2ND GEN тут вообще без вариантов, поскольку хвалебные отзывы о карточке льются уже изо всех щелей.
Я надеюсь все-таки записать инструментальный альбом ну и сделаем немного старого рэпа.
Алкофлэйва? Еее бой!
Поскольку весь основной софт на свой ноут для продакшина я поставил и осень уже на пороге, то нет причин что бы не порадовать наших людей.
Я свободен. Tribute.
Было дело.. 🙂