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At work, I needed to create a mock service for conducting tests for our services, but I did not find a service in the public domain that would satisfy my needs. These are: creating a mock endpoint, assigning it various response templates (with the ability to assign several at once so that they are randomly selected), and most importantly – relay. So that it would be possible to simulate the work of DLR.

So a small Next.JS project with authorization, endpoint management, response templates, and relays appeared.

Stanford Graduate School of Business

Since I became a team leader of a large team, I am faced with many questions every day. How to effectively build a team that enjoys working and shows efficiency and productivity. How to engage the team, etc. Since I only worked on programming before and had no experience in management and team building, I periodically try to learn and fill in the gaps.

This program certainly opens up a lot of insights. I am lucky! I was able to meet Baba Shiv and other cool professors from Stanford, as well as talk to other CEOs and managers and find out what problems they face and how they solve them.


На днях у нашей команды разработчиков встал вопрос об обновлении текущей системы трекинга (Jira) на новую версию, поэтому мы заодно решили попробовать Youtrack от JetBrains и не зря!

Из очень приятных вещей – возможность интеграции с командными продуктами JetBrains, интеграция с BitBucket и GitLab, импорт из Jira в один клик, а так-же настраиваемый dashboard с отчетами и удобными виджетами о состоянии задач и графиками.

Спешу поделиться нашим докер-контейнером с youtrack+nginx+lets encrypt для работы по https. При первом запуске lets encrypt запрашивает сертификаты, если они еще не существуют и стартует https хост с youtrack.